Power-Explosions, wind manipulation, immortality, and lightning
○ Masquerade was granted immortality at birth. However, the young boy didn’t figure out about his divine abilities until he was the ripe teen-age of fifteen years. After fighting upon a common enemy, he shared with his father. He used this immortality to his advantage and involved himself in horrid activities; such as jumping off buildings to scare people, blowing up his face to a pulp so when it heals back to normal he wouldn’t have acne, overdosing on every drug known to man, getting world records on absurd things that no one would even consider doing, joining a science program and orbiting the earth for an entire day without protection just to see the results of unprotected space travel, flying into the sun, having the first ever foot race on Saturn’s rings, and finally solving world pollution by having a plastic eating competition with a hungry monster. An easy thing to tell about this hyperactive teenager is that he’s overly competitive. He’s the type that doesn’t believe in work, and says that he can live in the wild. (He’s a weirdo). He doesn’t know what a budget is either, and if you asked him to borrow twenty bucks; he’d probably rip you a new one. Sure, he saved his friends from an outside force and has incredibly divine battle intelligence, but he more than likely doesn’t know the first few digits of pi. An idiot that dropped out of high school still somehow knows the destructive capability of any explosive in an area.