Carlos Martinez “New Beginnings, and Many Many Thank You’s.”

Carlos Martinez “New Beginnings, and Many Many Thank You’s.”

This October, a good friend of mine, Samantha Chambers, will be publishing a horror anthology that consists of thirteen very talented authors. Of course, I wrote a short story for this collection! I can’t forget to give a very huge thanks to my other great friend, Anthony Northup, who introduced me to her in the first place.  

A Solar Eclipse…  The Importance of Blindness: The Descent of Madness 

My short story features a character extremely prominent in my fictional world; his name is Mardo. One of my favorite characters to write and symbolize. I usually don’t write in horror, but when I tried it this time, Anthony told me I was terrific at it! Delve into the experiences of young Mardo, who deals with an awakened power he didn’t know he had…  


I never knew I could switch genres and be good at it! For an assignment in my senior English class, we had to write letters to a person we loved dearly, and I did well in a quick one-page note and writing about any topic we picked ourselves. Anyway, many thanks to Samantha and all the other features in this anthology. I’m very thankful for being able to write for such a big project with others. Much love to all contributors!  

Seeing my name was a blessing! Awesome stuff!  

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